
Joining a Sorority

Learn more about sororities and sorority life by visiting www.thesororitylife.com and visiting your university’s Panhellenic webpages.

Want to know a few fun facts about sorority life? Check out the three lists below!

Top Ten Reasons to Join A Sorority

  1. A Place to Belong

    That feeling of belonging, an identity.  Sorority life is based on a family-type situation.  It gives a firm basis to experiencing college life with sisters who are interested in helping you adjust to your new college experiences.
  2. Inspires You to Develop High Standards

    Sorority life inspires you to develop as a person by promoting high standards for scholarship, citizenship, and social conduct.
  3. Encourages Commitment

    Sorority life pushes you to meet your greatest potential according to your skills and talents. Sororities emphasize excellence.      
  4. Teaches Management Skills

    Sorority life teaches you to manage your time wisely in addition to organizational and decision making skills that will serve you well in the future.   
  5. Organizes Fun Social Events

    Sororities provide fun events and activities with your sisters, fraternities, and other campus organizations.         
  6. Encourages Loyalty

    Sorority life encourages your loyalty and allegiance to your sisters, your sorority, your college and your nation. 
  7. Emphasizes Academics

    Sororities highly emphasize academics by providing the right atmosphere and encouraging good study habits.
  8. Promotes Leadership

    Sororities promote leadership by encouraging your participation in chapter government and campus activities.
  9. Fosters Concern for Others

    Sorority life encourages you to participate in philanthropic projects that enable you to give of yourself to help others and the world around you.
  10. Develops Lifelong Friendships

    Sorority life develops and encourages lifelong friendships that grow strong with common experiences and remain true over years to come.

Six ways you can benefit from joining a Sorority:

  1. Family Away from Home

    Joining a sorority is a great way to instantly feel at home at your new university.  Sisters can show you all the great places on campus to study, good places to eat near campus, and fun things to do on the weekends.
  2. Higher Grades

    Sorority girls are required to maintain a certain GPA in order to participate in special events.  While this GPA varies for different chapters, all sororities place an emphasis on academics.  Many chapters have organized study hours.
  3. Community Service

    All sororities have community service built into their foundation.  While each sorority may have a different philanthropy, the members organize several events a year to help promote their cause and create awareness.
  4. Networking

    Being a member of a sorority provides you access to unique opportunities on campus.  The ability to network is one skill that will benefit you in college as well as professionally.
  5. Greater Focus

    Sorority members statistically have higher GPAs.  This can be attributed to having structured expectations as well as a support system to help each woman accomplish their goals.
  6. More Opportunities

    As a sorority member you will be challenged to learn and do more for your campus community.  Members of sorority life will be seen participating in everything from student government, athletics, campus recreation instructors, and so much more.              

Top Ten Facts about Sorority Life

  1. We are SMART!

    On average, the overall sorority GPA consistently matches and often well exceeds the overall campus average for all women.
  2. We are DIVERSE!

    Sororities represent the rich diversity of the campus population.
  3. We are RESPONSIBLE!

    From weekly meetings and events to membership requirements: members who make commitments to themselves and their chapters prove to be among the most well-respected students.

    Greek organizations are recognized for their philanthropic work in their communities and nationally.
  5. We are LEADERS!

    Greek women are involved in campus activities, are often the most visible campus leaders, and are the most enthusiastic at university events.
  6. We do NOT HAZE!

    Not only is hazing illegal, it deteriorates trust between members. Sororities are built on friendship and honoring each other.
  7. We are AFFORDABLE!

    Sorority life is an investment in your future.  The chapter will help members to plan, budget, and fundraise to participate in sorority life.
  8. We are NOT RICH!

    Women and men in sororities and fraternities maintain jobs and internships.  Many receive financial aid and scholarships to help finance their college education (such as sorority scholarships through HAPF!).
  9. We NETWORK!

    Sorority members are afforded networking opportunities through alumnae for job assistance and advice, internship exposure, and general direction when entering the workforce.
  10. We have FUN!

    Sorority members have tons of fun!  Members maintain a balance between the classroom and personal time.  Events such as formal dances, retreats, and sisterhood activities are just a few of the fun events.