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HAPF is a Texas nonprofit corporation which is text-exempt under Section 501(c)(3).
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Register with HAPA today to let us know you're going through recruitment! Use the button below to be taken to the form.
In addition to registering with HAPA, you MUST register for recruitment with the university you will be attending. That is the most important step! Your chosen university's web site will have information regarding recruitment that will be helpful to you.
By registering with Houston Alumnae Panhellenic Association (HAPA) of your intent to participate in sorority recruitment, you consent to the information you provide to HAPA being shared internally with HAPA committees, members, and related parties. None of the information collected by HAPA will be sold or intentionally shared or given to unrelated third parties.
The Houston Alumnae Panhellenic Association is made up of women that are active as alumnae in their prospective groups and undergraduate chapters. Every woman has a story to tell about their time in their collegiate chapters and how it has lead to their current passion for staying engaged.
If you're unsure or nervous about going through sorority recruitment, these stories provide the perspective of active sorority alumnae during recruitment, as an active collegiate member, and beyond.